With the rapid expansion of the healthcare industry, lifting injuries- typically sustained while transferring a patient, are one of the most common industrial injuries. It is incumbent upon any potential claimant, upon reporting or seeking treatment for an injury sustained from lifting an object/person, to emphasize the immediate, traumatic impact of the injury. Specifically, it is vital to express to your employer or the medical care provider what you saw, felt, and/or heard at the exact time of the injury.
Because lifting tools, inventory, objects, or patients is critical part of most job descriptions, the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation is frequently reluctant to recognize any injury claimed to be caused by a lifting incident. However, contemporaneous documentation, or documents produced immediately after the time of the injury, can be very persuasive in demonstrating to the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation that a lifting incident caused a particular injury. If you have any questions regarding your injury, or a prospective claim, please do not hesitate to contact our office for additional information.